
Thursday, July 10, 2014

Chicken mom.

Growing up I never thought I would live on 10 aces, with a vegetable garden and chickens. My family and high school friends said, they can't see me having chickens. But secretly, I wanted to live on a farm and raise animals. I have 16 chickens that I love them and call them my babies. And they look to me as there mama, and follow me around.

 When I went to pick them up, it was like bringing more children into house. 16 little fuzzy,chirping children. I was nerves bringing day old baby chicks home. It's not like I didn't have 5 children and a husband and 2 dogs to take of (sarcasm). I thought it was going to be easy to take care of chicks. Give them food, water and keep there brooding box clean, how hard could that be. But no one told me how much little chicks eat and poop. I was cleaning their box out every other day, and going through bags and bags of food.

But I fell in love with all of them. How could you not, their small, cute and fuzzy. But I did not know that the small and fuzzy part wasn't going to last long. With in weeks they were 3 times their size and growing feathers. They were getting to big for their box, so on to a bigger place they went. After about 2 months of being in the house then the garage, they went outside to the coop. It was like a child moving out of the house and living on their own. But I was a happy chicken mama, seeing my chicken babies grow and getting ready to lay their eggs. The first week of July, we got our first egg!!! I was so happy and my children really could care less. they though I was crazy. No not crazy just happy.

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